Absolute Rescue pointed to this awesome method of storing ratchet straps. they stay neat and organized, and ready to Deploy. This is the Triple R method, and you can see how it works in this Video VentEnterSearch.com also Suggested a similar method, though the straps are not able to retain
this photo was tweeted by the Sacramento fire dept of ventura base camp for the Thomas Wildfire in California. it was too epic not to share. also a good reminder why ICS is important.
This video came to my attention via a twitter, on a discussion on how best to butt a ladder. I was taught under the ladder was best, but that can put you in the path of dropped tools, falling glass if taking a window, or flaming debris from a building.
Found this shared on FB from East Coast Fire Tactics Use your webbing to carry up air bottles on high-rise operations. By forming half hitches around the necks of spare bottles and throwing the loop around the pack, Extra air can be transported hands free.
The Firefighters Support Foundation’s (FSF) newest training program is now available. Essential Ladder Skills delves into the essentials of ladder preparation, approach, placement, raising, climbing, and more. It talks about when to roll and when rolling is just laziness. The right and wrong way to do each skill is shown,
AI Media put out this video of Usefull signs for dealing with Deaf Patients. this could come in Handy.
NFPA 1001 requires firefighters to be able to tie each of these seven knots operating on a simulated fire ground. These are also really handy knots to know, and have been the subject of the last several Knotty Tuesdays. I personally use the weekly post to review the knots, and